Jun 22, 2018

Often times, people think that when you say, “you’re prophetic”, they immediately think prophet. Many are afraid to say that they are prophetic because they think that it automatically gives them the title of a “prophet”.

My job as a prophetic mentor is to help people understand who they are and what their call and purpose is in the kingdom.

What many people fail to understand is that we, the sons and daughters of God, are all very much prophetic people.  The Word tells us that the spirit of prophecy shall fall on us all (Acts 2:17…”in the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”)

Well, let me say this.  We have been in the last days for quite some time now. Matter of fact, we’ve been in the last days since Jesus left us…..you see, if you find yourself seeing and hearing…..even dreaming dreams and maybe having visions more than you’ve ever had, then you have to understand that your prophetic anointing is being stirred.  Yep, I call it the “living in the last days stirring”.

One thing that I know that God is doing is raising up prophetic voices like never before.  But my question is….how do you fit in on all this?  Is your gift of discerning spirits going to another level?  Or, what about your dreams?  Are they getting a little eerie? What about hearing God in ways you’ve never heard Him before?  You see, God is speaking so profoundly in this hour.  Are you one that He is trying to speak to?

My job is to help mentor people in understanding things in the spirit.  Many things are not being taught in the pulpit.  I can honestly say that one of the reasons is because some people aren’t mature enough to receive it.  They have no understanding of the spirit realm.  They know it’s a heaven and hell, but outside of that, they don’t have a deeper knowledge.

_. I got some question for you….Who are you?  How do you fit into the kingdom?  What’s your purpose in the kingdom? What’s your purpose in life?

Tune in….the next few weeks, I’m going to be talking about hearing and understanding God and what’s going on in the spirit realm.  I believe it’s going to bless you!

Now, if you truly want to go deeper in your understanding, I’m going to be inviting you each and every week to join us in The Prophetic Gift Zone.  Well, I take that back.  I’ll be inviting you to join PGZ during our enrollment time.  Once the enrollment is over, you’ll have to wait until next time to get in.  Right now is perfect because it’s during our early bird registration of only $57. Such a small investment in YOU for something that’s going to change your life for the better FOREVER! It’s that good! Just check out the testimonial video.  It’ll bless you.  Register today and truly go to another level of understanding who you are in the kingdom and how God is speaking to you for such a time as this!

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