Feb 03, 2017

Many of you had a chance to read my blog on last week where I talked about someone very dear to me, Wynesha Medley, who was killed in a homicide due to domestic violence.  

I talked about my dream.  I talked about how God showed me it was going to happen before it actually did.  I also asked you all to pray. The person that did this to Wynesha had not been found.  We needed justice and my prayer was that God would do a quick work in letting justice be served.  

Well, I got GREAT news for you! They got him!  With the help of the US Marshals he was captured.  Glory to God!

But wait… before we completely celebrate, I’m asking for your prayers again.  As he goes for trial, and if he is surely the murderer of Wynesha Joy Medley, I held you all to pray that they get hard core evidence on him.  We don’t want circumstantial evidence.  But, if he is truly the one, let us pray that they get all the evidence they need for John Padgett to be put away for a lifetime.  

That’s my prayer.  I ask that you agree with me.  All I know is prayer changes things!  

There is power when we can come together and agree about a thing!  Let us pray people of God.

I thank you for all the love and support.  Your prayers mean the world to me! 

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