Aug 11, 2017

Today is the day! I am so excited about it! Today I am currently in Panama City, Fl getting ready to preach tonight at the Prophetic Explosion with my dear sister and friend, Prophetess Tenekia Hill.

Our theme for the night is…Your Next is NOW! This is going to be so powerful because God has been giving me for the past few months some things that were going to happen in the latter part of this year. So, I want to encourage you today…..your next is about to shift into your NOW! I’ll be releasing a prophetic word that’s going to shift your entire atmosphere!!!! Your next is NOW!!!!

I’m going to say that again…you’re shifting into your NOW. You simply got to see it by faith and believe it!!! I don’t care what the issue, the problem, the circumstance is…your NEXT is manifesting into your NOW! Do you believe it??

I’ll be preaching tonight on Joshua….Joshua did some things for the manifestation of his next.

God is requiring YOU to do some things as well! I won’t give you my message right now (you can watch it live later tonight), but I do want to tell you this:

You have to see past where you are so you can get to where you’re going! You have to hear what God is telling you to do and be like Nike and…..JUST DO IT! You’re not waiting on God. There are certain things that God is waiting on you to do. Will you be still and listen? And when you do, will you simply do what He says even if it makes you feel uncomfortable?

That’s a selah moment right there. Tune in tonight. We got a word that’s gonna make you catch it and RUN!!! Are you ready for your marathon? It’s so on!!! We’re running into our NEXT…….RIGHT NOW!!! Let’s gooooo!

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