Mar 24, 2017

Yep, that’s the question that I have for you!


Are you ready? I mean really ready!!


One thing that I know…God has placed so much on the inside of us.  So many gifts…so many talents! It’s all hidden there just waiting on that perfect moment to truly manifest itself! I mean truly manifest….not see bits of it here and there….but a manifestation in its fullest! It’s time to move forward in what God has placed on your life! What is it that you’re suppose to do or be? An entrepreneur, an author, a blogger…..I really want you to think about it! I’m not telling you to quit your day job right now. I’m just wanting you to think about who you are and where you want to go.


I know one thing. I want you to go with me. Go on a journey with me as I coach and mentor women from all around the world on how to get to that next level!


That’s right! AFW is now OPEN for enrollment!


So many have called and asked when we were going to open it back up again.  Well ladies….the time is now!


AFW- Association of Fabulous Women is designed for a group of women who are ready to go on a fabulous new journey of creating their next level. We start out with the mind and our thinking, and then we transition on effective business practices and strategies to take.


I tell people all the time that before God could deal with my money, He first had to deal with my mind and my thought processes…how I saw my life, my ministry, my business.  Yep, I had to go there first.  And that’s what I’m going to do with those that I mentor.


So, come on and join us! The program starts May 1st with our LIVE welcome webinar! I’m so excited!!


With that said, let me give you some more details about this program:


6 month virtual coaching program designed to challenge you in your thinking, your life, and your destiny.

You’ll get monthly mentoring/coaching programs for the mind and business.

Virtual coaching sessions sent biweekly directly to your emails.

LIVE mastermind sessions via webinar to discuss and strategize on things taught in the virtual coaching sessions.

Access to all recordings during your time as a member of the association.

Private Facebook group provided to empower, encourage, and network with all the other members of AFW.

Option to register as a VIP member or regular member of AFW.


AFW VIP Member

*Registration Fee- $97 (1st month)

*Monthly Fee-$35 (5 months)

*15% discount on ALL Trish M’s coaching programs

*FREE 1 on 1 private one hour  coaching session with Trish M ($247 Value)


*FREE Daily Checklist- FabLife Coaching Program ($97 VALUE)

*6 Month Virtual Coaching Program with Mastermind Sessions every other month

AFW Regular Member

*Registration Fee- $57 (1st month)

*Monthly Fee-$35 (5 months)

*6 Month Virtual Coaching Program with Mastermind Sessions every other month

So ladies…if you’re ready, then I’m definitely ready!

Let’s go on this fabulous journey TOGETHER! Join AFW today! You’ll LOVE it!! 🙂

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