Aug 09, 2019

I hope you are ready! God is releasing new things in this month.

But I need you to know something. If you are believing God for a new level, then you have to be prepared to commit to him at a new level. It’s time to go to another level in giving your time, fasting, prayer, finances, gifts, talents etc..

It’s funny how we want more from God, but oftentimes, we give Him less of us!

Ouch! Ok, so here’s the challenge for the month of August.

Whatever level you’re on, go higher!

1) Giving- gifts, talents, time, money….You want more, then you have to give more. That’s the law of giving. God says that as we give, it will be given back to us. This doesn’t just mean money. I challenge you to give more, and I promise you that you will receive more!

2) Prayer- take your prayer life to another level! Prayer is just talking with God. It creates intimacy. Whatever level you are on, commit to praying more. Prayer changes things and can move mountains! Take more time to pray throughout the day.

3) Fast- sacrifice certain foods. Go to another level. Fasting opens the door for the manifestation of breakthrough. If you want to receive at another level, sacrifice at another level!

4) Submission- surrender yourself to God’s will- whether you like it or not! God may be removing things or people. Be ok with that. He may be allowing you to feel uncomfortable or even challenged in some areas of your life. Be ok with that. Be ok with whatever God is doing. Submit to it. I can promise you there is a blessing in your submission and obedience to God.

5) Declarations- speak those things that are not as though they were! Go to another level in declaring what you want to see! And even if it doesn’t manifest quickly….KEEP DECLARING IT UNTIL YOU SEE IT!

This is all about a greater commitment for your next level! How bad do you want it?? #Selah

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